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Kendall Graves



Victoria Robles

Street Outreach Specialist


Kevin Barragan



Tricia Loya

Case Manager


Jehova Moreno

Street Outreach Specialist


David Bolous

Case Manager


Karina Celaya


SAFE PASSAGES is a program designed to promote the safety and well being of the students in the City of Pomona. In collaboration with the Pomona Unified School District and local Community based-organizations, Safe Passages functions in 4 main ways: Before and after school field ambassador support on school campuses and surrounding areas of safety concern, in-School campus engagement including staff trainings, incident response and lunchtime activities, Individualized student Case Management, and lastly, after school safe spaces and community programing. 


Safe Passage to and from to school including, 

- Walk-Alongs 
- Bus Ride-Alongs 
- Vehicle Transportation (Case by Case)
- Uber/Lyft in urgent situations 
- Ambassador Presence at local areas of safety concern surrounding schools 

● Individualized Case Management/Referrals 

- One-on-One mentor support
- Parent and family resourcing

● Campus and Community Safe Spaces 

- Rhythm and Flow (Self Made Studios)
- Creative Digital Influence (Trickshot Cop)
- Art On Deck (Conceptual Art Therapy)
- Behavioral Boxing (Sunday-Thursday) with Fists of Gold Gym and Brownstone Mentoring
- Evening Basketball open gym free runs (Sunday and Thursday) @ 1st Presbyterian Church

● Incident/Safety Concern Response 

- Campus Supervision Support 
- Utilization of De-escalation tactics for conflict management 

● Positive Mentor Presence 

- Skits and talks at Schools targeting safety concerns at rally’s, during lunch, in wellness centers/career centers etc. 
- Presence at School sporting events and extracurricular activities 
- Specialized Safe Passage Led Community Engagement Activities and Events.

Who Should I Refer?

We will Utilize Apricot and our existing External link for Safe Passage Referrals Consider Clients for Safe Passage Referral if you can say yes to any of the following: 

Has the student been suspended 3 or more times due to violence? 

Do they feel safe walking to and from school? 

Has the student been a victim of violence? 

Do they feel safe at school? 

Do they feel like they need to look over their shoulder 

At any point and time walking to and from school? 

Does the student feel like they need to be on guard consistently while walking to and from school 

Does the student feel they need to carry a weapon for protection? 

Has the student thought about or considered joining a gang for protection? Has the student been a victim of bullies? 

Can the student identify aggressors or threats on school routes? 

Has the student felt victimized by other students but feared retaliation if speaks up?

Are there suspicious vehicles and/or people on the school route that seem out of place causing you to feel unsafe? 

If you have a concern and think it may be applicable but it is not listed, please submit a referral with a detailed description of the reason behind the submission.

Si tiene más preguntas sobre nuestro Programa On-Point, ¡no dude en contactarnos!

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