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Parent and Individual Counseling | Anger Management,

Community Service | Drug and Alcohol Classes


PAC’D provides a hybrid intervention for students who are struggling with addictive behaviors. Our facilitators provide in-person and virtual drug and alcohol support groups that are restorative in nature. This occurs at least once a week and we utilize the SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) curriculum to guide identified students through an 8-week course. We are creative and leverage a non-traditional approach to rehabilitation. We are partner with outside agencies to appropriately refer when a student needs more extensive support ie. residential rehabilitation.

Benefits of program: PAC’D decreases addictive behavior and promotes rehabilitation and sobriety. It improves the campus climate and culture. Improves student performance, attendance, and academic focus. Provides quality tier 2 & 3 interventions. Provides mentoring and sponsorship.

Si tiene más preguntas sobre nuestro Programa On-Point, ¡no dude en contactarnos!

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